11th ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion Conference - ENTRENOVA - Opatija, Croatia & Hybrid, 11-13 September, 2025
Conference presentations
ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion Conference - ENTRENOVA - Dubrovnik, Croatia, 14-16 September 2023
Plenary lectures
Artificial Intelligence in the Classroom: Enhancing Business Economics Education for the Digital Era - Dalia Suša Vugec
Where are we Heading with Generative Artificial Intelligence? - Sanda Martinčević-Ipšić
Corporate Sustainability: Fostering SDG’s in the Corporate World - Ivana Martinčević
Online poster section
A comparison of the intangible asset related standards, IAS38, IVS210 and ISA620 using similarity analysis - Andreas Georgiou
Determinants of R&D Value Reporting Bias: An Empirical Study in the EU - Andreas Georgiou
Determinants of Women’s Financial Inclusion: The Case of Western Balkan Countries - Marija Antonijević, Ivana Domazet
Consumer Post-Covid19 Online Shopping Behaviour In the Republic of Serbia - Djina Ivanovic
Financing the energy transition: Analysis and solution within the Swiss legislative framework - Allegrini Perrine, Stéphane Genoud
Reflexive Knowledge Capture for Technological Competitive Intelligence - A Hybrid Competitive Intelligence Process - Vincent Grèzes
When Researchers Should Stop Researching? An Exploratory Study - Vincent Grèzes, Jakub Mlynář
Analysing and Designing Circular Value Networks for Sustainable Tourism – a Case Study - Sandra Grèzes, Vincent Grèzes
Trend Design with a Collaborative Design Artefact to Identify and Analyse Longitudinal Trends: “The Trends Flower” - Vincent Grèzes, Camille Sauthier
Digital agility in the organization as a response to technological changes Analysis of the IT sector in Croatia - Maja Vizjak, Marina Perić Kaselj, Ivan Balabanić
Integrated Marketing Communications in Practice: The Case of Croatian Companies - Mario Fraculj, Sara Brkanić, Diana Plantić Tadić

ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion Conference - ENTRENOVA - Dubrovnik, Croatia, 14-16 September 2023
Lessons from Using Mind mapping to Evaluate the Learnings – Dos and Don’ts - Vincent Grèzes*c
Information Systems in Sustainable Hospitality and the creation of Business value - Nikoletta Klada, Asterios Stroumpoulis, Sotirois Varelas, Nicolaos Georgopoulos
Network Structure of Inter-organizational Alliances in the Health Insurance Industry undergoing Digitalization - Fumihiko Isada, Yuriko Isada

ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion Conference - ENTRENOVA - Opatija, Croatia, 17-18 June 2022
Asymmetric Reactions of Retail Gasoline Prices on the Changes in Crude Oil Prices in Chosen U.S. Cities - Karol Szomolányi, Martin Lukáčik, Adriana Lukáčiková
Mapping future trends in integrated reporting, csr and business sustainability research. A cluster-based approach - Veronica Grosu, Simona-Maria Brînzaru, Marius Sorin Ciubotariu, Rozalia Kicsi, Elena Hlaciuc, Marian Socoliuc
Students' attitudes towards online learning and information education - Ana Babić, Slavomir Vukmirović, Zvonko Ćapko

ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion Conference - ENTRENOVA - Zagreb, Croatia, 9-10 September 2021
Ready for the digital economy? The usage of innovative digital tools by enterprises in EU countries - Jan Hunady& Peter Pisar
Analysis of the influence of situational factors on impulse purchases - Marta Ilić, Dijana Vuković, Anica Hunjet
An Empirical Study on Inter-Organisational Network Structures for Connected Car - Fumihiko Isada
Visualization of Perceptions on Experiential Activities in Business & Administration and Economy - Rosaura Fernández-Pascual, Ana Marín Jiménez, María Pilar Fernández- Sánchez
Smart Hospitality: Addressing the risks to gain competitive advantage - Maria Oikonomou, Nicolaos Georgopoulos, Evangelia Kopanaki, Asterios Stroumpoulis

ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion Conference - ENTRENOVA - Virtual, Croatia, 10-11 September 2020
Challenges in Implementing the Concept of Public Internal Financial Controls in the Public Sector of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Benina Veledar and Maja Letica
The impacts of EU support programs on SMEs: a literature review - Mariapia D’Anghela, Federica Murmura
An Empirical Study of the Partnership Network Structure of Automakers under CASE - Fumihiko Isada, Yuriko Isada
Development of small and medium entrepreneurship in the Republic of Croatia - Ivana Radolovic, Anica Hunjet, Goran Kozina
Sensing the Destination in Slow or in a Fast Style ? The Lessons of a Hungarian Survey - Ildikó ERNSZT, Zsuzsanna MARTON
Identifying Costs and Benefits of Smart City Applications from End users' Perspective - Mario Jadrić, Tea Mijač, Maja Ćukušić
An analysis of the competitive situation on the EU rating market in context of regulatory requirements - Prof. Dr. Meeh‐Bunse, Stefan Schomaker, M. Sc.
Knowledge Management in Health Care Education - Judita Peterlin, Vlado Dimovski, Simon Colnar, Sandra Penger, and Barbara Grah
Business spending on research and development and its relationship to invention and innovations - Jan Hunady, Peter Pisar
Digital Transformation of Enterprises in Slovenia - Andreja Pucihar, Marjeta Marolt, Doroteja Vidmar, Gregor Lenart
Small scale LNG market optimization intelligent distribution network - Edyta Kuk, Bartłomiej Małkus, Michał Kuk