ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion Conference - ENTRENOVA - Dubrovnik, Croatia & Hybrid, 5-7 September 2024
Type of participation
Authors can participate with one of the two options:
Abstract Only - Proceed with the Step 1 and Step 3
Full Paper - Proceed with the Step 1, Step 2 and Step 3
Abstracts will be published in the Book of Abstracts, while Papers will be published in Conference Proceedings. The Book of Abstracts will be published in print, and the Proceedings will be published on a CD-ROM. The Proceedings and the Book of Abstracts will have an ISSN number.
Step 1: Abstract Submission
The abstract should be sent using the submission system: https://registration.sdewes.org/entrenova24
Authors can also send their abstracts to email contact@entrenova.org using the Abstract template (docx).
The deadline for abstract submission is March 10, 2024
Abstract (100-200 words)
Maximum five (5) keywords.
JEL classification for your research: https://www.aeaweb.org/econlit/jelCodes.php
Name, institution, address and contact email for all the authors
Short CVs for all the authors (maximum 100 words)
Decide if you will participate with the option Abstract Only or Full Paper.
Author ABC works as an assistant professor at the UZG institution. She graduated from the institution ABC, where she got her PhD in the topic "ABC". Her research interests are innovation, technology, learning and simulation. She participated in the projects XZ, UV, and KL. The author can be contacted at abcmail@mail.com.
Notification of abstract acceptance will be sent within 2-3 days.
Step 2: Paper submission
The paper should be sent using the submission system https://registration.sdewes.org/entrenova24
The author should submit the paper using a paper template in docx form (Paper template .docx).
Authors can also send their papers to email contact@entrenova.org
The deadline for paper submission is April 14, 2024
Papers should be from 8-12 pages in length.
Papers should be prepared using the ENTRENOVA paper template (docx)
Notification of paper acceptance will be sent not later within 7-10 days.
Step 3A: On-site Presentations
1. Presentations should last up to 15 min max.
2. A PowerPoint presentation (PC‐compatible) or its pdf format is recommended to avoid incompatibility problems.
3. Please, check the session and time of your presentation in the final program.
4. If possible, please use the presentation template (pptx)
4. All presentations should be provided by the authors on a USB stick and uploaded to the computers in the presentation rooms. Please do not submit your presentation in advance via e‐mail.
5. Each room is equipped with an LCD projector and a laptop.
6. Presentation rooms are set up in a classroom style.
Step 3B: Virtual Presentations
1. Presentations should last up to 15 min max.
2. A PowerPoint presentation (PC‐compatible) or its pdf format is recommended to avoid incompatibility problems.
3. Please, check the session and time of your presentation in the final program.
4. If possible, please use the Presentation template (pptx)
5. The virtual conference will be held using Zoom.
6. Authors are expected to deliver a presentation and share it with participants on their session screen.
7. The code for the Zoom virtual conference will be included in the program that will be distributed to conference participants.
Entrenova Abstract template
Entrenova Full Paper template
Entrenova presentation template